Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Education Impact School Board Candidate Info and Town Halls


VOTE: Local School Boards

Education Impact School Board Candidate Questionnaire 2024

Education Impact School Board Candidate Questionnaire is a non-partisan issues-based survey to inform voters about current educational issues and the views of candidates.  

Every School Board Candidate was provided the opportunity to participate and contacted by phone and email. Not all responded. 
No candidates are endorsed.  501C3 organizations can distribute non-partisan questionnaires.

Education Impact Town Hall 2024

School Board Road Map for Candidates and Community


EDC K-8 School Districts: Obscene, Detailed Descriptions of Sex Acts, Sexual Assault, Rape, Sex Trafficking Minors

 Empire of StormsWater for Elephants (drugging and rape of boy)Speak the Graphic Novel“Sold” A story of sex traffickingTower of Dawn;  BreathlessThe Hate U Give

El Dorado Union High School District: Books containing Sexual Torture, Sexual Assault, Child Molestation, Rape, Bestiality, Drug Use, Sex Trafficking Minors

A stolen life (Rating 5) Contains aberrant sexual activities involving child molestation, rape, and references to bestiality; sexual nudity; violence; drug abuse; references to animal cruelty; and mild/infrequent profanity.    Link to EDHS Library Stolen Life (follettsoftware.com)

Lucky( Rating 5) Obscene excerpts involving sexual assault/battery; sexual activities; sexual nudity; profanity; and drug use.

The Bluest Eye (Sexual abuse); Boy Toy (Sexual Abuse of a minor); Breathless;  “Sold” A story of sex trafficking“Tricks” A story of trafficking and rapeKingdom of Ash; ; Tower of Dawn; Perfect; Fight Club; Speak; Speak the Graphic Novel; Me and earl and the dying girl; The Hate U Give; the Kite Runner (Sodomy rape: Book and DVD); The Perks of Being a Wallflower; Maybe Someday; The Handmaids Tale; Water for ElephantsWicked: THE LIFE AND TIMES

OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST; The Lovely Bones (Sexual assault);

The Almost Moon  (Sexual activities; sexual nudity; self-harm involving suicide; reference to hate involving religion)

Ponderosa High School Library Catalog 

El Dorado High School Library Catalog

Schools Electronic Catalog: gofollett.com 

Read excerpts from books @ www.booklooks.org

"Non Discrimination Policy: Section: Issues Unique to Intersex, Nonbinary, Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Students"

What can the individual parent do?

        Opt-out of Co-ed Bathrooms/Locker Rooms/Overnight Sleeping Accomodations

        PJI Notice of Reasonable Expectation of Privacy Form

        Opt-out of sexually explicit Sex Education

       PJI Opt-Out Form for Sex-Ed. 

        Uniform Complaint Procedure for discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

        Obtain forms from your district office

What can the community and parents do when working together?

Parents and community members can serve on committees and councils to work with school boards to make wise decisions.

Curriculum Committees: Select high-quality and non-political academic-focused curricula to recommend for adoption by school boards.

Site Council: Focuses on goal setting and funding at the site level.

LCAP (Local Control Accountability Plan)Focuses on goal setting and funding at the district level.

Other Area-Specific Committees: Foster Youth Committee, etc.


    VOTE: Local School Boards

 Education Impact School Board Candidate Questionnaire 2024

Saturday, November 12, 2022

School Impact Strategic Road Map


School Impact Strategic Road Map
for Board Members & Community





Did you know…

School Boards have the power to select curriculum, make policies, and protect kids- not the administration or teachers.

Build a Winning Team to Shift your School District

Have small get-togethers of concerned parents and citizens from schools, churches, and businesses.  Share your concerns and your platform to bring change; ask for their votes, their help in campaigns, and to remain active in attending school board meetings.

How about serving on the Site Council, LCAP or Curriculum Committee that develop plans, allocate funds, and recommend specific curriculum to be adopted by the school board, or serve on a district action team?  You can still be a part of a team that makes a big impact for kids without requiring a big time commitment. See the graph below: 

What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern? 


Areas to Review


Committee or Council

Age-Inappropriate, sexual, & gender confusing books in school library

Board Policy- School Book/Film Selection Policy, (Reclaim Your School, PJI)

Develop a Book Review Committee (BRC) of parents.

No Critical Pedagogy or CRT


No Intersectionality

(Discrimination or stereotyping based on race, religion, gender/sex)

Paso Robles Unified School District (San Luis Obispo) School board bans critical race theory

 Ramona Unified School District (San Diego)  RUSD Policy 6142.35: Civic Education

 Model School Board Language To Prohibit Critical Race Theory (citizensrenewingamerica.com)

 (EC Section 51501, EC Sections 233.5(a) and 51500)]

Board initiated,

conferring with administration


Board Approval of Policy


Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Survey, Student Privacy

Sample Letter to Rescue District from PJI regarding surveys

 CA-Sex-ed and Survey Opt. Out form: Pacificjustice.org/resources/for-parents/public-school-opt-out-forms/

Board initiated, conferring with administration

 Board Approval of Policy

Opposite-sex use of bathrooms, locker rooms, and sleeping rooms

Notice of Reasonable Expectation of Privacy, Parent Campaign


Statewide Ballot Initiative in California that will:


Parents must file notice.

 Confer with admin. about compliance/enforcement of parent notice to school

Religions Discrimination & Hostile Environment to Religious Students

Educator Training, Sample Policy, and Administrative Regs. (EC 51500 & 51501)

(Gateways to Better Education)


Board-initiated policy followed by administrative regulations

 Board Approval of Policy

School employees and 3rd party vendors discussing sex and sexual orientation with students

Parental Consent Board Policy, (Reclaim Your School, PJI)

 Parent Campaign: Opt-out form for Sex Education


Board-initiated policy followed by administrative regulations

 Board Approval of Policy

Student Discipline Procedures and Suspension: Harassment, Profanity, Bullying

“Hate Violence Prevention Act” (233.5.) Harassment EC 48900.4 & Sexual Harassment Section 4916 of Title 5

Review the disciple matrix with the administration

Equality of information to teachers regarding unions

Posting rights of employees regarding unions (Reclaim Your School, PJI)

Board-initiated policy followed by administrative regulations

 Board Approval of Policy

Reclaim Your School, Chapter 7: What can a school board do?  Suggested School Board Policies:  Pacificjustice.org/resources/for-parents/reclaim-your-school/

Legal Letter Regarding Student Surveys: LawFirm Notice to Rescue Union School District re Surveys sent to Middle SchoolStudents – Placerville NewsWire (newsmolo.com)

Moms for Liberty Book List and Samples:   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T-Z3uw6Ttm_LWtWGV4trKTRXqRr64pxv   CAUTION: EXTREMELY SEXUALLY GRAPHIC   


What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern?


Areas to Review


Committee or Council

Final Approval

Curriculum Adoption

Revisionist History & Indoctrination

Historically Accurate

No Indoctrination or CRT

(Ex. Core Knowledge K-8)

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

Age-Inappropriate SEX ED Curriculum

H.E.A.R.T. Sex Ed. Curriculum

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

Ethnic Studies Curriculum

(Critical Pedagogy = Systemic Racism, Oppressor-Oppressed, Intersectionality)

Fairstory Ethnic Studies

(Constructive Ethnic Studies= Building Bridges of Understanding)

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

FAIRstory.org – Empowering Students to Confront Racism and Bigotry

HEART: A New California Sex Ed Curriculum (storylabs.online)


What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern?

Areas to Review


Committee or Council

Final Approval

Funding, Local Priorities, Response to Parent Concerns

Funding: Power of the Purse

·   Local Priorities in Educational Funding

·   Oversite of spending

Site Council, LCAP Committee

Board Approved

Response to parent concerns or complaints

·   Documenting complaints; rate of incident and responsiveness to parents reviewed through LCAP

·   LCAP sent to EDCOE and State for review.

·   Policy requiring parent notification of process and procedures when a complaint is made.

LCAP Committee


Administrative Regulation


Board Policy

·    School Board

·   County Superintendent of EDCOE


What can the individual parent do?

        Uniform Complaint Procedure for discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

        Obtain forms from your district office

        Opt-out form for Sex Education


        Notice of Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
