Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Deep Dive into Critical Theory & Ethnic Studies


Address False Narratives through Proactive Education

Students need accurate foundational information and critical thinking skills to identify false narratives by comparing the false narrative to the TRUTH they know.

  • Teach Accurate American History and Civics
  • History of Communism/Socialism
  • Critical Thinking
  • Empathy and Compassion
  • Teach Biblical Worldview (Parents and Private Schools)

Preteach important values and concepts to shape your child’s views and values
  • First impressions matter. (Whoever gives the first exposure to the concepts has an advantage.)

  • Read books aloud and watch videos together to begin discussing values and social ideas with children.

  • Teach your student how you want them to respond to ideas and concepts you oppose.

  • Actively teach about messaging and media.  Build their visual lexicon.  (Help them understand symbols and pictures that have messages.)

Important values to consider teaching  

  • Is there truth?  Where can you find ethics or moral teaching that is true?

  • Critical Thinking

    • Learning your family’s values and worldview and comparing and contrasting them to others.

    • Critical thinking from multiple perspectives.

    • Actively teach your values by pointing out everyday situations that align or don’t align with your values.  Use critical thinking to discuss the effects of ideas and values on people and everyday outcomes.  

  • Compassion and bridge-building

    • Model Extending compassion toward people you do not agree with.

  • Hard work deserves rewards.

Complete Public School or Homeschool Curriculum

FAIR (Ethnic Studies Curriculum)

FAIRstory – Empowering Students to Confront Racism and Bigotry 
The FAIRstory Curriculum can support either the creation of new stand-alone ethnic studies courses or provide supplemental material to orient an existing history or civics course towards ethnic studies. Extension activities and culminating projects are also available for many lesson plans, allowing for deeper and more focused learning.
Request the Learning Standards – FAIR (fairforall.org)

1776 Unites Curriculum: (American History and Ethnic Studies)

The "1776 Unites" curriculum offers authentic, inspiring stories from American history that show what is best in our national character and what our freedom makes possible even in the most difficult circumstances. 1776 Unites maintains a special focus on stories that celebrate black excellence, reject victimhood culture, and showcase African-Americans who have prospered by embracing America’s founding ideals.    The first installment is designed for high school students and is available below. Lessons will be added monthly, with K-8 modules coming soon.  1776unites.com

Red, White, and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers” by Robert L. Woodson Sr. (Editor)   High school and college-level book including a collection of essays by prominent black scholars. 

Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum (Free American History and Civics)

The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum, which covers the American Founding, the Civil War era, civics, and government, contains comprehensive lesson plans, homework assignments, quizzes, tests, study guides, and supplementary primary and secondary resource recommendations for teacher and student use.

The curriculum was developed by Hillsdale College’s K-12 Education Department, professors at the College, and teachers in Hillsdale’s affiliated classical schools. By the end of 2021, the curriculum will be expanded to include units on Colonial America, the Early Republic, the Gilded Age, and Progressive Era, the Great Depression, the World Wars, the Cold War, and Modern America.

History of Communism in Public Education

Communism: A History of Repression, Violence, and Victims (Free Curriculum) 

An entire generation of Americans, unaware of the true nature and history of communism, is warming to collectivist ideas because they don’t know the facts. Studies consistently reveal that America’s high school and college students do not know basic facts about the history of communism. In this environment, it is no wonder that personalities and symbols of communism are worn on clothing and even celebrated as symbols of equality and justice. Our country’s educational institutions have failed to teach the most important lessons of the 20th century to a new generation of Americans. Communism: Its Ideology, History, and Legacy 3rd Ed.

Video: Socialism Is Slavery - YouTube (Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation)

Educators Continuing Education

History & Ethnic Studies Professional Development

Red, White, and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers” by Robert L. Woodson Sr. (Editor) High school and college-level book including a collection of essays by prominent black scholars. 

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Teacher Seminars (VOC)

We equip teachers through our annual National Seminar for Middle and High School Educators and in-service professional development workshops based on our curriculum, Communism: Its Ideology, Its History, and Its Legacy, and other curricular resources. Our growing number of teacher alumni is reaching thousands of students in classrooms around the country. Download the Curriculum

Our Communism and the World webinar series complements our curricular supplements. Renowned scholars and noted subject matter experts present 30-minute lectures that are followed by a moderated Q&A with teachers. Past events are available on VOC’s YouTube channel and serve as a video library of supplemental material for the classroom.

Summit Basecamp Videos

If you are a church leader, parent, or educator (CEUs available) who is searching for answers about how to come alongside the next generation, then these events are for you. If you walk alongside students guiding them to think for themselves as they interact with ever-changing culture, these events are for you.  www.summit.org/programs/basecamp

  • Mental Health

  • CRT

  • Ethics

  • How to know truth?

  • How to equip Gen Z

  • Navigating technology in a pornified culture

Addressing Religious Liberty

Gateways to Better Education

We equip public school educators, leaders, parents, and students to protect and promote religious freedom for all students. We also help educators teach about the Bible and Christianity as it relates to the curriculum. We show them how to do this appropriately and legally, within existing constitutional boundaries, current laws, and state academic standards. GoGateways.org

Christian Worldview

Summit Ministries Worldview Curriculum

Let’s walk in truth together as we transform your student’s faith, worldview, and life!  Compares the worldviews of Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, Humanism, Post-Modernism and explores how it influences ideology, law, ethics, and history. www.summit.org/curriculum

If you are a church leader, parent, or educator (CEUs available) who is searching for answers about how to come alongside the next generation, then these events are for you. If you walk alongside students guiding them to think for themselves as they interact with ever-changing culture, these events are for you.  www.summit.org/programs/basecamp

Summit Free High School Worldview Survey: "Get a clear picture of what your high school students actually think with our free Worldview Checkup. Fill out the form below to set up the survey for your high school class."  www.answerclicks.com

Jesus Skeptic

In every era - and in their own words - we find people whose faith in Jesus and His teachings motivated them to change the world.  Sincere Christians sacrificed their careers, even their own lives, to end slavery, protect human rights, launch the Scientific Revolution, reform healthcare, advance literacy, create public schools and universities, and so much more.  It turns out that the greatest champions of humanity had one thing in common: Jesus.  JesusSkeptic

Books on American History and Values

Read books aloud while discussing values and social ideas with children.

Wall Builders

Wall Builders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built – a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. Wall Builders’ goal is to exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.

Training: Pastors Briefings, Teacher Conferences, Patriot Academy, Biblical Citizenship

Resouces on: Black History, Founding Principals, Historical Sermons, Library of Original Documents

Patriot Academy

To equip a generation of servant leaders to champion the cause of freedom and truth in every sector of society. (Biblical Citizenship Courses, Leadership Congress for High School - College)

1776 Unites Curriculum: (American History, Black History and Ethnic Studies)

The "1776 Unites" curriculum offers authentic, inspiring stories from American history that show what is best in our national character and what our freedom makes possible even in the most difficult circumstances. 1776 Unites maintains a special focus on stories that celebrate black excellence, reject victimhood culture, and showcase African-Americans who have prospered by embracing America’s founding ideals.    The first installment is designed for high school students and is available below. Lessons will be added monthly, with K-8 modules coming soon.

Upper Elementary Literature
Tuttle Twins Series

 Rush Revere Books Series


Book Lists by Grade

Beautiful Feet Books (bfbooks.com)

Sonlight Book List


The Hillsdale 1776 Curriculum American History Book Lists

Book Lists for American History  

  • Elementary (Grades K-2nd) American History- Pg. 44, 47, 118

  • Upper Elementary (Grades 3rd-5th) American History- Pg. 169-170, 263-264

  • Middle School (Grades 6th-8th) American History- Pg. 345-346, 467-468

  • High School (Grades 9th-12th) American History- Pg. 943-944, 1145-11

  • Values to consider when teaching: pg 31

Video Resources for Parents

Watch videos together to begin discussing values and social ideas with children.

American History Videos

5 Minutes Video Resources for Teens on Marxism/Woke Ideology

PragerU Kids

Free kids shows, magazines, books, action guides, resources, community, and everything you need to teach and celebrate American values. www.prageru.com/kids, YouTube Kids Shows: Teaching life skills, character development, and American history

PragerU- PREP Resources

PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP) provides Action Guides and curated resources to teachers and parents fighting to take back their children’s education.  www.prageru.com/resources

Friday, March 25, 2022

Education Impact Workshops Videos

Watch at Education Impact Workshop Videos

Protect your Kids! 
EDC Education Impact Workshops

 Hear from top leading experts.
Connect with parents in your district.
Be informed to protect your kids and take action!

 Equipping parents, teachers, marketplace, government, and faith leaders


Our education system is in crisis, academics are failing,  kids are being sexualized, and critical race theory is dividing us. Parents' rights are ignored.


A tidal wave of parents, teachers, church, government and marketplace people are rising up to protect our kids, and the future of our nation. Come join us!


For public, charter, private, religious, hybrid and homeschools


Workshop #1: What is Critical Race Theory and Ethnic Studies Curriculum… and why do you need to know about it?

 Find out why many parents, school boards, state legislators, and governors are refusing to adopt these curricula, and what you can do about it!


  • CRT is being taught in many public schools
  • It divides people into color and labels them oppressor or oppressed
  • CRT creates active racial discrimination and segregation
  • CRT and Critical Ethnic Studies is not reform but a revolution that rejects history and the principles of the Constitution
  • Alternative Constructive Ethnic Studies curriculum that build bridges of understanding, explore ethnic group contributions, promote critical thinking of multiple perspectives
  • How to talk to your kids
  • How to affect change on the school board level
  • For further resources go to Education Impact El Dorado County: A Deep Dive into CRT & Ethnic Studies and How to Teach Truth (educationimpactedc.blogspot.com)

 Workshop #2: Age-inappropriate K-12 Sexxx Ed, gender confusing curriculum

  • Find out what is actually being taught to kids
  • How transgenderism is being promoted
  • Legal rights to opt-out
  • Demand alternative healthy curriculum that meets state standards
  • How to talk to your kids
  •  How to talk to your school board


Workshop #3: Options if you stay in public school

  • Your rights as a parent, teacher, and student
  •  How legislation affects education
  •  How to recommend healthy, accurate curriculum based on state standards
  •  How to talk to your school board
  •   Interview and vote for school board candidates who share your values
  •   How to run for school board
  •   How to recall school board members
  •    Parents Rights: Mask and Covid Vaccine Mandates
  •   Connect with parents in your district

Workshop #4 Options if you leave public school

  •  Homeschool
  •  Homeschool hybrid model
  •  Church school model
  •   Plug and play new school models
  •  Private school
  •  CA School Choice 2022
  •  Connect with parents building alternatives education

 Saturday, Oct. 30th, 8:00 AM Registration

Workshops: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

 Get resources at EducationImpact.US

Visit us on FB at EducationImpact.US

Did you miss the EDC kickoff event? 


Hosted by:

Sarah Renner, Education Impact El Dorado County Coordinator Email: edu.freedomedc@gmail.com

Marilyn Jackson, Education Impact Liaison and 4 Spheres Education Director   Email:edimpact2021@gmail.com

Lauren Prichard, EDC 4 Spheres Community Impact Coordinator

Donated at EducationImpact.US

Education Impact is a 4 Spheres Initiative


The Education Impact Coalition:

·        Marilyn Jackson, Education Impact Coalition Liaison

·        Scott Bryditzki, Kingdom Builders Marketplace Group

·        Dr. John Jackson, President of William Jessup University

·        Jonathan Keller, President of CA Family Council

·        Greg Burt, Director of Capitol Engagement, CA Family Council

·        Eric Buehrer, President, Gateways to Better Education

·        Brenda Lebsack, Founder, Brenda4Kids

·        Norman Gonzales, Founding Board Member, John Adams Academy