Tuesday, May 31, 2022

School Board Impact Meeting: Strategic Road Map for Candidates & Community

School Board Impact Meeting
Strategic Road Map
for Candidates & Community





Did you know…


School Boards have the power to select curriculum, make policies, and protect kids- not the administration or teachers.


This is why SCHOOL BOARDS are the answer!


Parents and citizens must stand up, run for, and elect school board members who will protect kids!


Most CA School Board candidate filing deadlines are: 7/18-8/12/22 

Tues. July 19, 2022, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
EVENT Location:  Calvary Chapel Placerville 
Register at: educationimpact.us/schoolboards

Presented by EducationImpact.us & EducationNEXT.us

Here is a simple road map on how to run:

Interested in running for School Board?

·   Are you passionate about protecting kids but not a “political” person?

·   Maybe you have little knowledge of how to serve local families as an elected representative but want to know if you qualify and how to get help.

·   School board campaigns are easy to qualify for and the most inexpensive campaigns to run, but an elected candidate can deliver a powerful influence on our students, schools, and communities. 

·   Connect with parents, learn about district needs, key issues, and concerns. Remember you are elected to represent all students.

·   Check with your spouse and family to see if they support you in this campaign.


What can a school board do?

·   Ensure that local schools represent the needs, values, and expectations of the community

·   Evaluating programs and student outcomes

·   Shape goals for schools, set policy, and allocate money

·   Adopt and oversee the budget and approve the Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP)

·   Adopt curriculum (Districts do not have to use a state-adopted curriculum.)

·   Ratify collective bargaining agreements

·   Evaluate and hire/fire the superintendent

·   Learn more at “School Boards Demystified” (ED100.org)


Who can run?

·   A resident of the school district, at least 18 years of age, and a registered voter.  (El Dorado County Office of Education School Board Members represent a geographically defined portion of the county.)

·   Not be employed by the school district (You may be an employee of the district when you run, but if elected, you will need to resign before being sworn in.)

How much does it cost?

·   County fees for filing, candidate statement fee, plus the cost of signs and handouts, typically cost from $500-$1,500. 

How much time does it take?

   ·   Most school boards meet once a month. Sometimes there may be an additional meeting.
·   Based on the size of the district, board members may be paid, unpaid, or receive a stipend. (In El Dorado County, most receive a stipend.)


How, when, and where to file?

·   Contact your County Registrar’s Office for deadlines and requirements.

·   The candidate declaration and the filing period is from July 18th to August 12th, 2022, in most CA counties.

Get Resources for Running for School Board

 Introduction to School Boards (LeadershipInstitute.Training)

Packed with first-hand knowledge from school board leaders across the country, this course drills down to the foundations of school board knowledge:

  •  What are school boards and what do they do?
  •   Where does their authority come from?
  •   How do I launch a campaign and actually make a difference?

 Running for School Board Starter Guide


This resource contains simple but clear steps to help you become informed about your district and be empowered to run for office to affect positive change.

 BiblicalVoter.com/Candidate-Training plus election tools, reasons to run for office, mentoring, and resources.


For additional help with your campaign, contact the American Council. They are committed to helping train and support Christians run for local offices.

Why Run for School Board?(RunningForSchoolBoard.info)

Simple website-development services for school board candidates.

Learn about the FPPC (FPPC.ca.gov/learn)

The Fair Political Practices Commission offers courses that help educate candidates about campaign rules and regulations that apply to some local elections.  Contact your County Registrar’s Office for specific requirements.

Build a Winning Team to Shift your School District

Have small get-togethers of concerned parents and citizens from schools, churches, and businesses.  Share your concerns and your platform to bring change; ask for their votes, their help in campaigns, and to remain active in attending school board meetings.

So, you don’t want to run for School Board?

How about serving on the Site Council, LCAP or Curriculum Committee that develop plans, allocate funds, and recommend specific curriculum to be adopted by the school board, or serve on a district action team?  You can still be a part of a team that makes a big impact for kids without requiring a big time commitment. See the graph below: 

What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern?


Areas to Review


Committee or Council


Set District Board Policy

Age-Inappropriate, sexual, & gender confusing books in school library

Board Policy- School Book/Film Selection Policy, (Reclaim Your School, PJI)

Develop a Book Review Committee (BRC) of parents.

Board Approval of Policy

No Critical Pedagogy or CRT


No Intersectionality

(Discrimination or stereotyping based on race, religion, gender/sex)

Paso Robles Unified School District (San Luis Obispo)


Ramona Unified School District (San Diego)


(EC Section 51501, EC Sections 233.5(a) and 51500)]

Board initiated,

conferring with administration



Board Approval of Policy

Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity Survey, Student Privacy

Sample Letter to Rescue District from PJI regarding surveys

Board initiated,

conferring with administration

Board Approval of Policy

Religions Discrimination & Hostile Environment to Religious Students

Educator Training, Sample Policy, and Administrative Regs. (EC 51500 & 51501)

Gateways To Better Education (gogateways.org)

Board initiated policy followed by administrative regulations

Board Approval of Policy

School employees and 3rd party vendors discussing sex and sexual orientation with students

Parental Consent Board Policy, (Reclaim Your School, PJI)



Board initiated,

conferring with administration

Board Approval of Policy

Student Discipline Procedures and Suspension: Harassment, Profanity, Bullying

“Hate Violence Prevention Act” (233.5.) Harassment EC 48900.4 & Sexual Harassment Section 4916 of Title 5

Board initiated,

conferring with administration

Board Approval of Policy

Equality of Information to Teachers regarding unions

Posting rights of employees regarding unions (Reclaim Your School, PJI)

Board initiated,

conferring with administration

Board Approval of Policy

Reclaim Your School, Chapter 7: What can a school board do?  Suggested School Board Policies:  Pacificjustice.org/resources/for-parents/reclaim-your-school/

Legal Letter Regarding Student Surveys: LawFirm Notice to Rescue Union School District re Surveys sent to Middle SchoolStudents – Placerville NewsWire (newsmolo.com)

Moms for Liberty Book List and Samples:   https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T-Z3uw6Ttm_LWtWGV4trKTRXqRr64pxv   CAUTION: EXTREMELY SEXUALLY GRAPHIC   


What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern?


Areas to Review


Committee or Council

Final Approval

Curriculum Adoption

Revisionist History & Indoctrination

Historically Accurate

No Indoctrination or CRT

(Ex. Core Knowledge K-8)

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

Age-Inappropriate SEX ED Curriculum

H.E.A.R.T. Sex Ed. Curriculum

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

Ethnic Studies Curriculum

(Critical Pedagogy = Systemic Racism, Oppressor-Oppressed, Intersectionality)

Fairstory Ethnic Studies

(Constructive Ethnic Studies= Building Bridges of Understanding)

Curriculum Committee

Board Approval

FAIRstory.org – Empowering Students to Confront Racism and Bigotry

HEART: A New California Sex Ed Curriculum (storylabs.online)


What actions do the school board, councils, and committees govern?

Areas to Review


Committee or Council

Final Approval

Funding, Local Priorities, Response to Parent Concerns

Funding: Power of the Purse

·   Local Priorities in Educational Funding

·   Oversite of spending

Site Council, LCAP Committee

Board Approved

Response to parent concerns or complaints

·   Documenting complaints; rate of incident and responsiveness to parents reviewed through LCAP

·   LCAP sent to EDCOE and State for review.

·   Policy requiring parent notification of process and procedures when a complaint is made.

LCAP Committee


Administrative Regulation


Board Policy

·    School Board

·   County Superintendent of EDCOE


What can the individual parent do?

        Uniform Complaint Procedure for discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying.

        Obtain forms from your district office

        Opt-out form for Sex Education


        Notice of Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
